A family of 4 needed a new big kitchen.
They asked for lots of windows and to open up to the living room and easy access to the garden. The bedroom next to the old kitchen was the guest room which almost never was used.
A rustic simple but modern kitchen with a different colorsceem including concrete, green petroleum, mustard/yellow was my mission.
My idea
I took away the wall between the old kitchen and bedroom. I put in 2 doors directly to the garden plus 4 windows floor to celling
A silk warm white tone painted on the walls.
Linoleum plates (30x90 cm) in a herringbone patten, three colors in the petrolium spectra. Light green, green blue and grey green.
Grey concrete color on all storage. Countertops in customized concrete.
A deeper more rich green petroleum in tiles also in a herringbone pattern. 10x30 cm.
A black wooden table surrounded with 6 mustard/orange plastic chairs
LED lights under the cupboards, mustard steel lights over the "island" and petroleum blueish steel lamps over the table
Back story:
A family of 4 bought a "new" house 137,5 sqm with additional basement. They want a new layout of the first floor in a light modern timeless design with light colors, 2 bedrooms for the children, 1 big master bedroom with connecting baht room, lots of storage, open plan, carpets in the bedrooms, wooden floor in the social area, no laundry room. All plumbing is drawn easy through the basement. The family also want a game room in the basement for the children.
All drawings and sketches made by hand.
Create a new home for the family according to their needs. Time limit on all drawings is 3 month from start to finish.
Original plan 1st floor
3 small bedrooms, Kitchen connected to the laundry room. Only 1 bathroom and a huge living room.
Original plan basement.
The first room after entering will be transformed to a gameroom/playroom.
My design for the new layout
Two bedrooms for the children in a good size. An open kitchen connected to the dining area and a small TV area.
The parents get a "suite" with a walk-in closet and a big bathroom with a double headed shower.
The entrance and dining area divides by a brass chains, also behind the sofa.
A kitchen looking as "non kitchen" as possible. White and clean.
Wall to wall carpets in the bedrooms, stone in entrance and kitchen to give a felling of different rooms without walls.
Wooden floors in social area.
A game/TV area with a huge sofa and a massive TV. Behind an creative area with lots of storage. A small fridge for beverages.
Lots and lots of shelfs for all kind of stuff and also a space for drying laundry in the connecting area.
Because this is a very active family (hockey, foot ball, badminton) so therefore a laundry area for the more heavy equipment.
They also need a good area for fixing, the house have no garage to use as fixing area.
Colors, material and thoughts
Master bedroom.
Relaxed warm feeling in the bedroom with coconut white ceiling. Wall to wall carpet in a light lavender/beige tone. Light ash wooden floor in the closet.
Very light wild strawberry wall color. The furniture all in white. The bed made with sand colored fabrics.
Curtains in a beige checkered pattern with an additional white cheer linen curtain.
A white sun blocking fabric to give the well deserved darkness at night.
Children's room
1. Wall to wall carpet in beige/sand color. Coconut white ceiling, blue/turquoise walls. Furniture in graphite grey, green and turquoise
2. Wall to wall carpet in ash grey color. Coconut white ceiling, green walls (Lind flower). Furniture in graphite grey, light green and a sharp yellow.
Fabrics in white and green with yellow elements
Dining area
A brass drape dividing the entrance from the dining room, very fresh colors in a mix with white, yellow and green. Let the nature come in to their home and use a light wooden floor, big carpets, sandy colors. Keep the design long-lasting and easy for the family to put their own touch on their home. Lots of lights, open and airy.
A 'I'm not a kitchen looking feeling' but with lot's of storage and still be a useful kitchen.
A plain white strict design with everything built in do hide as mush as possible (as requested)
Stone floor to divide the room from the dining area and connected the kitchen with the entrance.
Super clean with stone floor, built in storage and the massive brass drape dividing the entrance from the dining area. A small black open hanger and a green stool, rest in very pale relaxing tones.
Again very neutral tones but a deep red couch, warm red drapes on two walls, brass drapes dividing the entrance, sandy base colors. White and turquoise details in the creative area.
Concept plansch
Freehand sketch of the game/play room Metal brassdrape dividing the entrance and dining area
Mixed concept posters for 5 different rooms
Mixed drawings of bathrooms